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Biomechanics and Biomedical Devices

Concentration Information

Students pursuing this concentration study bioengineering subjects with a strong mechanical engineering disciplinary background. Major areas covered in this concentration include biomechanics, biomaterials, bioinstrumentation, and bio-inspired manufacturing. The mission of the concentration is to prepare future leaders in biomedicine, medical device design, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical industry. Furthermore, this curriculum may be structured such that it is complementary to both the biomedical engineering minor and the minor program in toxicology and environmental health. (Recall that classes in your concentration may also be counted towards your minor).

Concentration Class Suggestions

Recommended REST subjects: 2.772/20.110; REST subjects with no engineering: 5.07/7.05, 5.12
Suggested Concentration Subjects:
  • 2.184 Biomechanics and Neural Control of Movement
  • 2.673J Instrumentation and Measurement for Biological Systems
  • 2.70J FUNdaMENTALS of Precision Product Design
  • 2.772J Thermodynamics of Biomolecular Systems
  • 2.78J Principles and Practice of Assistive Technology
  • 2.782J Design of Medical Devices and Implants
  • 2.787J Tissue Engineering and Organ Regeneration
  • 2.79J Biomaterials: Tissue Interactions
  • 2.791J Cellular Biophysics
  • 2.792J Quantitative Systems Physiology
  • 2.793J Fields, Forces and Flows in Biological Systems
  • 2.797J Molecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechanics
  • 2.750 Medical Device Design (may replace 2.009 by petition)
  • 6.002 Circuits and Electronics
  • 6.115 Microcomputer Project Laboratory
  • 6.131 Power Electronics Laboratory
  • 6.041 Probabilistic Systems Analysis
  • 18.650 Statistics for Applications
  • 22.071J Electronics, Signals, and Measurement

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Concentration Advisor

faculty photo

Sangbae Kim

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Interest Areas

  1. Bio-inspired Robotics
  2. Bipedal Locomotion
  3. Manipulation