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Micro/Nano Engineering

Concentration Information

Micro and nanotechnology have had and will continue to have a tremendous impact on a wide range of mechanical systems. Examples are microelectromechanical devices and systems that are already deployed as automobile airbag sensors and for drug delivery, stronger and lighter nanostructured materials now used in automobiles, nanostructured energy conversion devices that significantly improve the efficiency of macroscale energy systems, etc. Many faculty members in our department pursue research in micro- and nanoscience and technology; this research cuts across mechanical engineering disciplines and other disciplines. Examples are sensors and actuators; fluidics, heat transfer, and energy conversion at the micro- and nanoscale; optical and biological micro- and nano-electromechanical systems (MEMS and NEMS); engineered three-dimensional nanomaterials; ultra-precision engineering; and the application of optics in measurement, sensing, and systems design. classes offered in this concentration cover both fundamental theories and hands-on experience.

Concentration Class Suggestions

Strongly Recommended Concentration Subjects
  • 2.370 Molecular Mechanics
  • 2.772J Thermodynamics of Biomolecular Systems
  • 6.152J Micro/Nano Processing Technology
Additional Suggested Concentration Subjects
  • 1.021J Introduction to Modeling and Simulation
  • 2.180 Biomolecular Feedback Systems
  • 2.374J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Devices
  • 2.391J Submicrometer and Nanometer Technology (GRAD)
  • 2.500 Desalination and Water Purification (GRAD)
  • 2.570 Nano-to-Macro Transport Processes
  • 2.60 Fundamentals of Advanced Energy Conversion
  • 2.627 Fundamentals of Photovoltaics
  • 2.673 Instrumentation and Measurement for Biological Systems
  • 2.674 Micro/Nano Engineering Laboratory
  • 2.71 Optics
  • 2.715 Optical Microscopy and Spectroscopy for Biology and Medicine (GRAD)
  • 2.760 Multi-Scale System Design and Manufacturing
  • 2.793 Fields, Forces and Flows in Biological Systems
  • 2.ThU Undergraduate Thesis

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Concentration Advisor

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Sangbae Kim

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Interest Areas

  1. Bio-inspired Robotics
  2. Bipedal Locomotion
  3. Manipulation