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Lallit Anand

Contact Info

room 1-310E

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

77 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139


  • 1970


  • 1972


  • 1975



Research Interests

  • Crystal-mechanics based large-deformation plasticity theory.
  • Strain-gradient plasticity.
  • Coupled diffusion-deformation-damage theories.
  • Gel mechanics.
  • Li-ion batteries.
  • Hydrogen embrittlement in steels.

Honors + Awards

  • 1983-85, Esther and Harold E. Edgerton Professor of Mechanical Engineering
  • 1992, Eric Reissner Medal, 1992. For outstanding contributions to the field of Mechanics of Materials in the past decade. From the International Society for Computational Engineering & Sciences.
  • 1992, Southwest Mechanics Series Lecturer.
  • 1999-2005, Fellow of Singapore-MIT Alliance.
  • 2003, Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • 2007, Khan International Medal, 2007. For outstanding life-long contributions to the field of Plasticity. With specific recognition for seminal contributions related to (a) development of plasticity theories at large strains (b) large-deformation, high-temperature isotropic viscoplasticity, (c) large-deformation crystal plasticity, and (d) development of attendant robust numerical methods. From the International Journal of Plasticity.
  • 2009--, Warren and Towneley Rohsenow Professor of Mechanical Engineering, MIT.
  • 2010, Special issue of the International Journal of Plasticity in Honor of Lallit Anand, Volume 26, Issue 8.
  • 2011, Distinguished Alumnus Award from Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Kharagpur.
  • 2014, Symposium Honoring Professor Lallit Anand on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday at the 17th U. S. National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
  • 2014,  Daniel C. Drucker Medal. This ASME medal recognizes distinguished contributions to the field of applied mechanics and mechanical engineering through research, teaching, and service to the community over a substantial period of time.
  • 2014, Symposium Honoring Professor Lallit Anand on the Occasion of his receiving the Daniel C. Drucker Medal,   ASME  2014  International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Montreal, Canada.
  • 2017, J. P. Den Hartog Distinguished Educator Award. This is the highest award conferred for excellence in teaching Mechanical Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Brown University Engineering Alumni Medal, 2018.
  • 2018, William Prager Medal. This Society of Engineering Science Medal recognizes outstanding research contributions in Solid Mechanics.
  • 2018,  Elected to the National Academy of Engineering for contributions to the development of plasticity for engineering technology: theory, experiment, and computation.



  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • Society of Engineering Science
  • Materials Research Society
  • National Academy of Engineering

Professional Service

  • 1989-1991, Program Director for the Mechanics and Materials Program, as well as the Manufacturing Processes Program, in the Engineering Directorate of the National Science Foundation.
  • 1994-1999,  Executive Committee of the Applied Mechanics Division of ASME
  • 1999-2004 ASME medal selection committees for the Timoshenko, Drucker, and Koiter awards.

MIT Service

  • 1997-2001, Departmental Graduate  Admissions Officer
  • 2005-2008, Departmental Graduate Officer
  • 2008-2013, Head of the Area for    Mechanics:  Modeling, Experimentation, and Computation (MMEC).


  • Mechanics and Materials II (2002)
  • Mechanics of Solid Materials (2.071)
  • Continuum Mechanics (2.072)
  • Plasticity (2.073)


  • Anand, L., and Gurland, J., "The Relationship Between the Size of Cementite Particles and the Subgrain Size in Quenched-and-Tempered Steels", Metallurgical Transactions, 6A, 928--931, 1975.
  • Anand, L. and Gurland, J., "Effect of Internal Boundaries on the Yield Strengths of Spheroidized Steels", Metallurgical Transactions, 7A, 191--197, 1976.
  • Anand, L. and Gurland, J., "Strain-Hardening of Spheroidized High Carbon Steels", Acta Metallurgica, 24, 901--909, 1976.
  • Anand, L., "On H. Hencky's Approximate in presStrain-Energy Function for Moderate Deformations", ASME Journal of Appliedin pr Mechanics, 46, 78--82, 1979.
  • Anand, L., "Constitutive Equations for Rate-Independent, Isotropic Elastic-Plastic Solids Exhibiting Pressure-Sensitive Yielding and Plastic Dilatancy", ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 47, 439-441, 1980.
  • Anand, L., and Spitzig, W. A., "Initiation of Localized Shear Bands in Plane Strain", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 28, 113--128, 1980.
  • Anand, L. and Spitzig, W.A., "Shear Band Orientations in Plane Strain", Acta Metallurgica, 30, 553--561, 1982.
  • Anand, L., "Constitutive Equations for the Rate-Dependent Deformation of Metals at Elevated Temperatures", ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 104, 12--17, 1982.
  • Anand, L., "Elastic Moduli of Gray and Ductile Cast Irons", Scripta Metallurgica, 16, 173--177, 1982.
  • Anand, L., "Plane Deformations of Ideal Granular Materials", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 31, 105-122, 1983.
  • Anand, L., "Some Experimental Observations on Localized Shear Bands in Plane Strain", Scripta Metallurgica, 18, 423--427, 1984.
  • Anand, L., "A Rate Constitutive Equation for Moderate Strain Isotropic Elasticity", Mechanics Research Communications, 11, 345--352, 1984.
  • Anand, L., "Constitutive Equations for Hot-Working of Metals", International Journal of Plasticity, 1, 213-231, 1985.
  • Anand, L., "Moderate Deformations in Extension-Torsion of Incompressible Isotropic Elastic Materials", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 34, 293--304, 1986.
  • Anand, L., Kim, K. H., and Shawki, T. G., "Onset of Shear Localization in Viscoplastic Solids", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 35, 407--429, 1987.
  • Brown, S. B., Kim, K. H., and Anand, L., "An Internal Variable Constitutive Model for Hot Working of Metals", International Journal of Plasticity, 5, pp. 95-130, 1989.
  • Lush, A. M., Weber, G., and Anand, L., "An Implicit Time-Integration Procedure For A Set Of Internal Variable Constitutive Equations For Isotropic Elasto-Viscoplasticity", International Journal of Plasticity, 5, pp. 521-549, 1989.
  • Haghi, M., and Anand, L., "High Temperature Deformation Mechanisms and Constitutive Equations for the ODS Superalloy MA 956", Metallurgical Transactions, 21 A, pp. 353 - 364, 1990.
  • Weber, G., and Anand, L.,"Finite Deformation Constitutive Equations, And A Time Integration Procedure For Isotropic, Hyperelastic Viscoplastic Solids", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics And Engineering, 79, pp. 173 -- 202, 1990.
  • White, C. S., Bronkhorst, C., and Anand, L.,"An Improved Isotropic-Kinematic Hardening Model For Moderate Deformation Metal Plasticity", Mechanics of Materials, 10, pp. 127-147, 1990.
  • Weber, G. G., Lush, A. M., Zavaliangos, A., and Anand, L., " An Objective Time-Integration Procedure For Isotropic Rate-Independent And Rate-Dependent Elastic-Plastic Constitutive Equations", International Journal of Plasticity, 6, pp. 701 -- 744, 1990.
  • Anand, L., and Zavaliangos, A.,"Hot Working -- Constitutive Equations and Computational Procedures", Annals of CIRP, 39, pp. 235--238, 1990.
  • Haghi, M., and Anand, L.,"Analysis Of Strain-Hardening Viscoplastic Thick-Walled Sphere And Cylinder Under External Pressure", International Journal of Plasticity, 7, pp. 123 -- 140, 1991.
  • Bronkhorst, C. A., Kalidindi, S. R., and Anand, L.,"An Experimental and Analytical Study of the Evolution of Crystallographic Texturing in FCC Materials", Textures and Microstructures, 14 -- 18, pp. 1031 - 1036, 1991.
  • Zavaliangos, A., and Anand, L., "Towards A Capability For Predicting The Formation Of Defects During Bulk Deformation Processing," Annals of CIRP, 40, pp. 267 -- 271, 1991.
  • Zavaliangos, A., and Anand, L.,"Thermal Aspects Of Shear Localization In Microporous Viscoplastic Solids," International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 33, pp. 595 -- 634, 1991.
  • Kalidindi, S. R., Bronkhorst, C. A., and Anand, L.,"Crystallographic Texture Evolution In Bulk Deformation Processing Of FCC Metals," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 40, 537 -- 569, 1992.
  • Haghi, M., and Anand, L.,"A Constitutive Model For Isotropic, Porous, Elasto-Viscoplastic Metals," Mechanics of Materials, 13, 37 -- 53, 1992.
  • Kalidindi, S. R., and Anand, L., " An Approximate Procedure For Predicting The Evolution of Crystallographic Texture In Bulk Deformation Processing Of FCC Metals," International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 34, 309-329, 1992.
  • Bronkhorst, C. A., Kalidindi, S. R., and Anand, L.,"Polycrystalline Plasticity and the Evolution of Crystallographic Texture in F.C.C. Metals," Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society, London A, 341, 443 -- 477, 1992.
  • Kalidindi, S. R., and Anand, L., "Large Deformation Simple Compression Of A Copper Single Crystal," Metallurgical Transactions , 24A , 989 -- 992, 1993.
  • Zavaliangos, A., and Anand, L.,"Thermo-Elastoviscoplasticity Of Isotropic Porous Materials," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids , 41 , 1087 -- 1118, 1993.
  • Anand, L.,"A Constitutive Model For Interface Friction," Computational Mechanics , 12 , 197 -- 213, 1993.
  • Anand, L., and Tong, W.,"A Constitutive Model For Friction In Forming," Annals of CIRP , 42 , 361 -- 366, 1993.
  • Anand,L.,and Kalidindi, S. R.,"The Process Of Shear Band Formation In Plane Strain Compression Of FCC Metals: Effects Of Crystallographic Texture," Mechanics of Materials , 17 , 223 -- 243, 1994.
  • Kalidindi, S. R., and Anand, L.,"Macroscopic Shape Change And Evolution Of Crystallographic Texture In Pre-Textured FCC Metals," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 42 , 459 -- 490, 1994.
  • Balasubramanian, S., and Anand, L.,"Single Crystal and Polycrystal Elasto-Viscoplasticity: Application to Earing In CUP DRAWING of F.C.C. Materials," Computational Mechanics, 17, pp. 209 - 225, 1996.
  • Anand, L., and Kothari, M.,"A Computational Procedure For Rate-Independent Crystal Plasticity," Journal of The Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 44, pp. 525 - 558, 1996.
  • Anand, L., and Balasubramanian, S.,"Polycrystal Plasticity: Application to Earing In Cup Drawing," of CIRP, 45, pp. 263 -- 268, 1996.
  • Anand, L.,"A Constitutive Model For Compressible Elastomeric Solids," Computational Mechanics, 18, pp. 339 - 355, 1996.
  • Kothari, M., and Anand, L.,"Elasto-Viscoplastic Constitutive Equations for Polycrystalline Metals: Application to Tantalum," J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 46, pp. 51-83, 1998.
  • Balasubramanian, S., and Anand, L., "Polycrystalline Plasticity: Application to Earing in Cup Drawing of Al2008-T4 Sheet," ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 65 , pp. 268 -- 271, 1998.
  • Staroselsky, A., and Anand, L.,"Inelastic Deformation of F.C.C. Materials By Slip and Twinning," Journal of The Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 46, pp. 671-696, 1998.
  • Anand, L., and Gu, C.,"Granular Materials: Constitutive Equations and Shear Localization," Journal of The Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 48, pp. 1710-1733, 2000.
  • Gu, C., Kim, M., and Anand, L., " Constitutive Equations for Powder Metals: Application To Powder Forming Processes," International Journal of Plasticity, 17, 147--209, 2001.
  • Gearing, B. P., Moon, H. S., and Anand, L.,"A Plasticity Model For Interface Friction: Application To Sheet Metal Forming," International Journal of Plasticity, 17, 237-271, 2001.
  • Thamburaja, P., and Anand, L.,"Polycrystalline Shape-Memory Materials: Effect of Crystallographic Texture," J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 49, pp. 709-737, 2001.
  • Balasubramanian, S, and Anand, L.,"Elasto-Viscoplastic Constitutive Equations For Polycrystalline F.C.C. Materials At Low Homologous Temperatures," J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 50, pp. 101-126, 2002.
  • Balasubramanian, S, and Anand, L.,"Plasticity Of Initially-Textured Hexagonal Polycrystals At High Homologous Temperatures: Application To Titanium," Acta Materialia, 50, 133-148, 2002.
  • Thamburaja, P., and Anand, L.,"Superelastic Behavior In Tension-Torsion Of An Initially-Textured Ti-Ni Shape-Memory Alloy," International Journal of Plasticity, 18, 1607-1617, 2002.
  • Staroselsky, A., and Anand, L.,"A Constitutive Model for HCP Materials Deforming By Slip and Twinning: Application to Magnesium Alloy AZ31B," International Journal of Plasticity, 19, 1843-1864, 2003.
  • Thamburaja, P. Anand, L., "Thermo-mechanically coupled superelastic response of initially-textured Ti-Ni sheet", Acta Materialia, 51, 325-338, 2003.
  • Anand, L. and Gurtin, M. E., " A theory of amorphous solids undergoing large deformations, with applications to polymeric glasses," International Journal of Solids and Structures,40, 1465-1487, 2003.
  • Anand, L. and Gurtin, M. E., "Thermal effects in the superelasticity of crystalline shape-memory materials," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of solids, 51, 1015-1058, 2003.
  • Gearing, B. P., and Anand, L., "Notch-sensitive fracture of polycarbonate," International Journal of Solids and Structures, 41, 827-845, 2004.
  • Gearing, B. P., and Anand, L., "On modeling the deformation and fracture response of glassy polymers due to shear-yielding and crazing," International Journal of Solids and Structures, 41, 3125-3150, 2004.
  • Su, C., Wei, Y. J., and Anand, L.,"An elastic-plastic interface constitutive model: application to adhesive joints," International Journal of Plasticity, 20, 2063-2081, 2004.
  • Wei, Y. J., and Anand, L., "Grain-boundary separation and sliding: application to nanocrystalline materials ," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of solids, 52, 2587-2616, 2004.
  • Anand, L., "Single-crystal elasto-viscoplasticity: application to texture evolution in polycrystalline metals at large strains," Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 193, 5359-5383 , 2004.
  • Gurtin, M. E., and Anand, L.,"The decomposition $\F=\Fe\Fp$, material symmetry, and plastic irrotationality for solids that are isotropic-viscoplastic or amorphous," International Journal of Plasticity, 21, 1686-1719, 2005.
  • Anand, L., and Su, C."A theory for amorphous viscoplastic materials undergoing finite deformations, with application to metallic glasses," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of solids, 53, 1362-1396, 2005.
  • Gurtin, M. E., and Anand, L.,"A theory of strain-gradient plasticity for isotropic, plastically irrotational materials. Part I: small deformations,"Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of solids, 53, 1624-1649, 2005.
  • Anand, L., Gurtin, M. E., Lele, S. P., and Gething, C."A one-dimensional theory of strain-gradient plasticity: formulation, analysis, numerical results," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 53, 1789-1826, 2005.
  • Gurtin, M. E., and Anand, L.,"A theory of strain-gradient plasticity for isotropic, plastically irrotational materials. Part II: finite deformations," International Journal of Plasticity, 21, 2297-2318, 2005.
  • Gudlavalleti, S., Gearing, B. P., and Anand, L.,"Flexure-based Micromechanical Testing Machines," Experimental Mechanics, 45, 412-419, 2005.
  • Anand, L., and Ames, N. M."On modeling the micro-indentation response of an amorphous polymer," International Journal of Plasticity, 22, 1123-1170, 2006.
  • Su., C., and Anand, L. "Plane strain indentation of a Zr-based metallic glass: experiments and numerical simulation," Acta Materialia, 54, 179-189, 2006.
  • Wei, Y., Su, C, and Anand, L. "A computational study of the mechanical behavior of nanocrystalline fcc metals," Acta Materialia, 54, 3177-3190, 2006.
  • Wei, Y., and Anand, L. "A constitutive model for powder-processed nanocrystalline metals," Acta Materialia,55. 921-931, 2007.
  • Anand, L. , and Su, C. "A constitutive theory for metallic glasses at high homologous temperatures," Acta Materialia, 55, 3735-3747.
  • Gurtin, M. E., and Anand, L., "A gradient theory of single-crystal plasticity," Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 15, S263-S270, 2007
  • Gurtin, M. E., Anand, L., and Lele, S. P., "A gradient single-crystal plasticity with free energy dependent on dislocation densities ," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 55, 1853-1878, 2007.
  • Gurtin, M. E., and Anand, L., "Nanocrystalline grain boundaries that slip and separate: A gradient theory that accounts for grain-boundary stress and conditions at a triple-junction.’’ Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 56, 184-199, 2008.
  • Wei, Y., and Anand, L. "On   micro-cracking,  inelastic dilatancy, and the brittle-ductile transition in  compact rocks: a micromechanical study," International Journal of Solids and Structures, 45,  2785-2798, 2008.
  • Henann, D., and Anand, L., "A constitutive theory for the mechanical response of amorphous metals at high temperatures spanning the glass transition temperature: application to microscale thermoplastic  forming."  Acta Materialia, 56, 3290-3305, 2008.
  • Lele, S. P., and Anand, L.,"A small-deformation strain-gradient theory for isotropic  viscoplastic materials." Philosophical Magazine, 88, 3655--3689, 2008.
  •  Lele, S. P., and Anand, L.,"A large-deformation strain-gradient theory for isotropic  viscoplastic materials," International Journal of Plasticity,   25, 420-453, 2009.
  • Anand, L.,  Ames, N. M., Srivastava, V, and Chester, S., "A thermo-mechanically-coupled theory for large deformations  of amorphous polymers. Part I: formulation." International Journal of Plasticity,  25, 1474-1494, 2009.
  •  Ames, N. M., Srivastava, V, ,Chester, S., and Anand, L,  "A thermo-mechanically-coupled theory for large deformations  of amorphous polymers. Part II: applications." International Journal of Plasticity,   25, 1495-1539, 2009.
  • Gurtin, M. E., and Anand, L.,  "Thermodynamics applied to gradient theories involving the accumulated plastic strain: The theories of Aifantis and Fleck and Hutchinson and their generalization."  Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 57, 405--21, 2009.
  • Henann, D. L., and Anand, L., "A large deformation theory for rate-dependent elastic-plastic materials with combined isotropic and kinematic hardening," International Journal of Plasticity, 25, 1833-1878, 2009.
  • Henann, D. L., and Anand, L., "Fracture of metallic glasses at notches: Effects of notch-root radius and the ratio of the elastic shear modulus to the bulk modulus on toughness,"  Acta Materialia,  57, 6057-6074, 2009.
  • Henann, D. L., Srivastava, V. Taylor, H.K., Hale, M.R., Hardt, D.E., and Anand, L.,  "Metallic glasses: viable tool materials for the production of surface microstructures in amorphous polymers by micro-hot-embossing," Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,  19, Article Number: 115030, 2009.
  • Srivastava, V., Chester, S. A., Ames, N. M., and Anand, L.,"A thermo-mechanically-coupled large-deformation theory for amorphous polymers in a temperature range which spans their glass transition," International Journal of Plasticity, 26, 1138-1182, 2010.
  • Chester, S. A., and Anand, L., "A coupled theory of fluid permeation and large deformations  for elastomeric materials." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 58,  1879--1906, 2010.
  • Henann, D. L., and Anand, L., "Surface tension-driven shape-recovery of  micro/nanometer-scale surface features in  a Pt-Ni-C-P  metallic glass  in the supercooled liquid region: a numerical modeling capability. " Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 58,  1947--1962, 2010.
  •  Anand, L.,  "`A thermo-mechanically-coupled theory accounting for hydrogen diffusion and large elastic-viscoplastic deformations of metals." International Journal of Solids and Structures 48, 962--971, 2011.
  •  Jena, R.K., Chester, S.A., Srivastava, V., Yue, C.Y., Anand, L., and Lam, Y.C.. `" Large-strain thermo-mechanical behavior of cyclicolefin copolymers: Application to hot embossing and thermal bonding for the fabrication of microfluidic devices." Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 155, 93--105, 2011.
  • Jena, R.K.,  Yue, C.Y.,  and Anand, L.,"Improvement of thermal bond strength and surface properties of Cyclic Olefin Copolymer (COC) based microfluidic device using the photo-grafting technique." Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 157, 518--526, 2011.
  • Loeffel, K., and Anand, L.,  "A chemo-thermo-mechanically coupled theory for elastic-viscoplastic deformation, diffusion, and volumetric swelling due to a chemical reaction."  International Journal of Plasticity 27, 1409--1431, 2011.
  • Henann, D L., and Anand, L., "A large strain isotropic elasticity model based on molecular dynamics simulations of a metallic glass. " Journal of Elasticity 104,  281--302, 2011.
  • Chester, S.A., and Anand, L.,"A thermo-mechanically coupled theory for fluid permeation in elastomeric materials: Application to thermally responsive gels." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids  59,  1978--2006, 2011.
  • Roy, S., Yue, C.Y., Wang, Z.Y., Anand, L., "Thermal bonding of microfluidic devices: Factors that affect interfacial strength of similar and dissimilar cyclic olefin copolymers."  Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical 161,  1067--1073, 2012.
  • Anand, L., Aslan, O., and Chester, S. A., "A large-deformation gradient theory for elastic–plastic materials: Strain softening and regularization of shear bands."  International Journal of Plasticity 30-3, 116-143, 2012.
  • Tran, N.K., Chester, S.A., Lam, Y.C., Anand, L., Yue, C.Y.,"Numerical simulation of aluminum alloy 6061 micro-mold fabrication for the production of polymeric microstructures by micro-hot-embossing." Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 22, 085005,  1--11, 2012.
  • Anand, L.,  "A Cahn-Hilliard-type theory for species diffusion coupled with large elastic-plastic deformations." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 60, 1983--2002, 2012.
  • Loeffel, K., Anand, L., Gasem, Z.M., "On modeling the oxidation of high-temperature alloys."  Acta Materialia 16, 399--424, 2013.
  • Di Leo, C.V., Anand, L.,"Hydrogen in metals: a coupled theory for  species diffusion   and large elastic-plastic deformations." International Journal of Plasticity 43,   42  69, 2013
  •  Al-Athel, K., Loeffel, K., Liu, H., and Anand, L.,"Modeling decohesion of a top-coat from a thermally-growing oxide in a thermal barrier coating." Surface and Coatings Technolog 222,  68--78, 2013.
  • Di Leo, C.V.,   Luk-Cyr J.,  Loeffel, K., Al-Athel A., Anand, L.,  "A new methodology for characterizing  traction-separation  relations for  interfacial delamination of thermal barrier coatings." Acta Materialia 71, 306-318, 2014.
  • Di Leo, C.V.,   Rejovitzky, E., Anand, L., " A Cahn-Hilliard-type phase-field theory for species diffusion coupled with large elastic deformations: application to phase-separating Li-ion electrode materials."  Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids  70, 1-29, 2014.
  • Anand, L,   Gurtin,  M.E.,  Reddy, B.D.,  "The stored energy of cold work,   thermal annealing,  and other thermodynamic issues in single crystal plasticity at small length scales." International Journal of Plasticity 64, 1-25, 2015
  • Chester, S.,  Di Leo, C.V.,  Anand, L., "A finite element implementation of a coupled diffusion-deformation theory for elastomeric gels."  International Journal of Solids and Structures   52, 1-18, 2015.
  • Rejovitzky, E.,   Di Leo, C.V.,  Anand,L.,  "A theory and a simulation capability for the growth of a solid electrolyte interphase layer at an anode particle in a Li-ion battery." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 78, 210-230, 2015.
  • Di Leo, C.V.,   Rejovitzky, E., Anand, L., 2015. Diffusion-deformation theory for amorphous silicon anodes: the role of plastic deformation on electrochemical performance. International Journal of Solids and Structures 67-68,  283-296.
  • Anand, L., 2015. A derivation of the theory of linear poroelasticity from chemoelasticity. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 82, 111005.
  • Anand, L., 2016. A theory for non-Newtonian viscoelastic polymeric liquids.  International Journal of Plasticity 83, 273-301.
  • Anand, L., 2017.  A large deformation poroplasticity theory for microporous polymeric materials. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 98, 126-155.
  • Mao, Y., Talamani, B., Anand, L., 2017. Rupture of polymers by chain scission. Extreme Mechanics Letters 13,  17-24.
  • Mao, Y., Lin, S., Zhao, X., Anand, L., 2017. Large deformation viscoelastic model for double-network hydrogels. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 100,  103-130.
  • Talamini, B., Mao, Anand, L., 2018. Progressive damage and rupture in polymers. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 111,  434-457.
  • Mao, Y., Anand, L., 2018. A theory for fracture of polymeric gels. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 115, 30-53.
  • Mao, Y., Anand, L., 2018. Fracture of elastomeric materials by crosslink failure. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 85,  081008.
  • Narayan, S., Anand, L., 2018. A large deformation elastic–viscoplastic model for lithium. Extreme Mechanics Letters 24,  21-29.
  • Anand, L.,  Mao, Y.,  Talamini, B., Anand, L., 2019. On  modeling   fracture of ferritic steels due to hydrogen embrittlement. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 122, 280-314.
  • Anand, L., Narayan, S., 2019. An Elastic-Viscoplastic Model for Lithium. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 166, A1092-A1095.
  • Narayan, S., Anand, L.,  2019. A gradient-damage theory for fracture of quasi-brittle materials. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 129, 119-146.
  • Narayan, S., Anand, L.,  2020.On modeling the detrimental effects of inhomogeneous   plating-and-stripping  at  a lithium-metal/solid-electrolyte  interface  in a   solid-state-battery. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 167, 040525.
  • Narayan, S., Anand, L.,  2021. Fracture of amorphous polymers: A gradient-damage theory. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 146, 104164.
  • Narayan, S.,  Stewart, E.M., Anand, L.,  2021 Coupled electro-chemo-elasticity: Application to modeling the actuation response of ionic polymer-metal composites. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 152,  104394.

  • Stewart, E.M., Narayan, S.,    Anand, L.,  2022.  On modeling the infiltration of water in a PEG-DA hydrogel and the resulting swelling under unconstrained and mechanically-constrained conditions.

    Extreme Mechanics Letters, 101775.

  • Stewart, E.M., Narayan, S.,    Anand, L.,  2023.  An electro-chemo-mechanical theory for hydrogel ionotronics: application to modeling a capacitive strain sensor and  a dynamic  large strain actuator.  Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids,